Our Leonberger obsession began in 2010, and after 10 years of research and being on a waitlist, “Presley” finally joined our family. She is such a special dog, and has taken our family on quite a journey. She is capable of doing just about anything, and as a result, has encouraged us to broaden our training offerings. Trained and handled exclusively by Tyra, Presley has earned titles in therapy work, rally, obedience, Fast Cat, behavior, temperament, FIT DOG and conformation (including being accepted into the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show), all before the age of 3. Phoenix and Cash have now joined the pack and we are excited to get them involved in the same disciplines, especially therapy work.
Leonbergers love to be with their families and really excel in working as therapy dogs. Presley currently has a full schedule, volunteering at the Boulder County Jail, Longs Peak Hospital, Juvenile Assessment Center, and the Boulder County Courthouse in Longmont. It is so rewarding to see the effect that she has on the staff, patients, and kids that are waiting for their court appearance. We are excited to broaden our volunteer work once Phoenix and Cash are old enough to be tested for the program.
Leonbergers love to be with their families and really excel in working as therapy dogs. Presley currently has a full schedule, volunteering at the Boulder County Jail, Longs Peak Hospital, Juvenile Assessment Center, and the Boulder County Courthouse in Longmont. It is so rewarding to see the effect that she has on the staff, patients, and kids that are waiting for their court appearance. We are excited to broaden our volunteer work once Phoenix and Cash are old enough to be tested for the program.